
Create a new workbook in Excel 2013

How to Create a new workbook in Excel 2013

Create a new workbook in Excel 2013

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel 2013 Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+5

Microsoft Excel 2013 Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+5
Hit the Alt key. Then type H5 (one key at a time).

Decrease Indent - Move your content closer to the cell border.

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+5

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+BB

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+BB

Draw double border in bottom on selected cells

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+BB

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+B+A

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+BA

Draw borders in all sides on selected cells

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+B+A

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+B

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+B

Show borders menu

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+B

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+3

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+3
Ctrl + U

Underline your text

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+3

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+2

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+2 or
Ctrl + I

Italicize your text

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+2

Video Tutorial : Excel Dashboard Data visualization on Excel 2013

Video Tutorial : Excel Dashboard Data visualization on Excel 2013

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt +H +1

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+1 or Ctrl + B

Make your text bold

Change a text bold into selected cell.

Tips of the Day Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys Alt +H +1
Add caption

Excel Template - HR Dashboard free download

General information:
This template allows you to view several of the employees and HR-related measures in an interactive manner. To human resource managers and senior management is to quickly view the state of employees, including payroll, sick days, employee performances per year, location, department, as well as the individual employee. You can update the underlying data with you to customize with your own business.

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+FF

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + H+FF

Change Font

Change a font into selected cell.

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + NP

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + NP

Insert a Picture
Insert pictures from your computer or from other computers that you're connected to.

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + NV

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + NV

Create a Pivot-table

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + HMC

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + HMC

Merge & Center Text

Combine and center the contents of the selected cells in a new larger cell.

Create a Dynamic drop down box in Excel 2013

In this tutorial you can make a drop down box connect with another drop down box.
Type your data as show in below figure

Select the Make of Car

Goto the let top of the sheet you will find the NameBox type the Box in Make and press Enter Key

After typing the name box any time you just select the C4 to C6 and you will see the Name Box in Make
Select the D4 to D8 and goto Name Box and type Honda and press Enter Key

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Key: Using Ctrl + 1

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Key: Using Ctrl + 1

Display the Format Cells dialog box

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Key : Using Ctrl + Page Up (key)

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Key : Using Ctrl + Page Up (key)

Switches between worksheet tabs, from right-to-left

Tips of the Day: Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + FDA

Microsoft Excel Short Cut Keys: Alt + FDA

Attach a copy of current workbook to default email as a attachment.

Excel Short Cut Keys: Using Alt +AK

Excel Short Cut Keys: Using Alt +AK
Display the Edit link dialog box
in Edit link dialog box you can change, update and open data source and check the status of links and break the link of the current open file.

Excel Short Cut Keys: Using Alt +AK