
Find last date of the month in Excel using EOMONTH function

EOMONTH function is to calculate maturity dates or due dates that fall on the last day of the month. It used to return the last day of the month depending on the start date specified.


Return the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months


If start_date is not a valid date, EOMONTH returns the #NUM! Error value.

If start_date plus months yields an invalid date, EOMONTH returns the #NUM! Error value

Let’s do some task

Date of the last day of the current month, next month last date and previous month last date:

Click the current month last date and type the formula =EMONTH(D5,0). D5 is the current month date and 0 is the number of the month or current month +/-.

Click the Next month last date and type the formula =EMONTH(D5,1). D5 is the current month date and 1 is the number of the month or next month. (Current month plus one month).

Click the Previous month last date and type the formula =EMONTH(D5,-1). D5 is the current month date and -1 is the number of the month or last month (Current month less one month).

For formatting the number convert date (Shortcut Key Ctrl+Shift+$),

Select the cell to display the number as a date, and then on the Home tab, in the Number group, click the arrow next to the Number format and Short Date or click a Long date.

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